* Hollebrand * Hollebrandt * Hollebrands *
The beginning ·
Elias oilbrands ·
Emigrants to the USA ·
Albrant ·
Izaak Hollebrand ·
Sara Louisia Hollebrands
Kamilla Anna Hollebrand ·
Höllebrand in Germany and Austria ·
Hollebrand in England ·
Thanks to · Updated May 10 2014
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Izaak Hollebrand.
This is the only picture as far as I know of my grandfather
The village st Kruis.
Grandfather Izaak
My grandfather Izaak Hollebrand was born april 5 1884 at st. Kruis
(Zeeuws - Vlaanderen).
He had two sisters and one brother n.l.;
Suzanna, she married at st.Kruis with Francois Beun, farmer.
Tanneke (Catharina), she died when she was 21 years old.
Abe(Abraham), he emigrated with his wife Jacomina
de Rie and his
suns Isaac and Peter in 1914 to the USA.
Here beneath you see pictures of 3 children of Izaak; Jet, Joop and Marie.
Abraham Hollebrand x Jacomina Maria du Rie
When Abe (Abraham) emigrated in 1914 with his wife Jacomina and two children
Isaac and Peter his father Isaac Hollebrand and mother Maria Adriana Duininck
already died.
The Nieuw Amsterdam.
Associated Passenger ; Hollebrand, Abraham.
Date of Arrival ; April 27, 1914.
Port of Departure ; Rotterdam.
Built by Harlan & Wolff Limited, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1906. 16,967 gross tons; 615 (bp) feet long; 68 feet wide. Steam quadruple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 16 knots. 2,886 passengers (440 first class, 246 second class, 2,200 third class).
Built for Holland - America Line, Dutch flag, in 1906 and named Nieuw Amsterdam. Rotterdam-New York service. Last major liner to be fitted with auxiliary sails. Broken up in Japan in 1932.
Abe surrounded by his family (1955).
F.l.to.r; (back row) Elsie Lieske-Hollebrand, Lloyd Lieske, David de Lano, Isaac Hollebrand, Mary Hollebrand de Lano, Sid de Lano and Genevive Rieder Hollebrand.
(seated row) Sara Hollebrand-Verburg, Elizabeth Hollebrand, Abe Hollebrand, Jacomina Hollebrand du Rie and Peter Hollebrand.
(on the floor) Jan de Lano, Fred Lieske, Patty and Joan Lieske, Peter Hollebrand jr and William Hollebrand.
Mrs. Sara (Hollebrand) Verburg has send me this picture.
Children from this marriage;
1. Isaac, born 1 jan. 1910. (in the Netherlands)
Married with Sara Verburg in 1946.
Children; William, Elisabeth.
2. Peter, born 3 june 1914. (in the Netherlands)
Married with Genevieve Reiter
Sun; Pete   (married Kathy?)
3. Mary, born 23 nov. 1916. (in the USA)
Married with Winfield de Lano in 1937.
Children; David, Jan.
4. Elsy, born 19 april 1925. (in the USA)
Married with Lloyd Lieske in 1925.
Children; Joan, Patricia, Pamela, Fred, Mark.
Family Woestijne who departed only a few days before The Hollebrand family.
Here a picture of the family and maybe ather people on board on the ship.
Thanks to Jacqueline harms van Kerkvoort (living in Holland).
The beginning

Hollebrand was a boysname till at least the 16th and the 17th century. The meaning of the name is "loyal to the sword" (very old dutch).
It all began may 2 1666 in Zeeuws Vlaanderen. (The Netherlands)
Elias Oilbrandß, one of the 3 son's of Cornelis Oilbrandß, married with
Magdalena Soetaerts. Elias had one son; Jacob Hollebrands, who married in
1693 with Susanne Marijnissen at Breskens.
His grandson Abraham Hollebrand who married 9 mei 1773 Suzanna Verduijn can be seen
as the father of the HOLLEBRAND(T) family. Elias Hollebrands, the nephew of Abraham Hollebrand is for almost sure the father
of the HOLLEBRANDS family.
My grandfather Izaak Hollebrand was born april 5 1884 at st.Kruis (Zeeuws-Vlaanderen).
His brother Abe (Abraham) emigrated with Jacomina du Rie to the USA.
You see also the names Hollebrandse in the Netherlands and the USA and Hollebrandt in de USA.
HOLLEBRANDT in the USA comes from Dutch Hollebrand immigrants before 1900.
HOLLEBRANDSE is as far we know not related to Hollebrand, Hollebrandt and
Hollebrand was written before 1800 also as Hollebrands,
Hollebrant and Oilbrant(s).
The name Hollebrand can be found also in Gapinge, Walcheren, before 1600.
On this moment are all the people in Holland with the name Hollebrand put in the familytree.
There are just a few with that name; in 1948 there were only 23.
Do you have any information? Do you have questions?
For suggestions; Coen Niesten. c.niesten@tiscali.nl

      Op 17e April 1666
Elias Oilbrantß, j.[onge] m.[an]: van Nieuwerhaven
      aldaer woonende, met Magdalena Soetaerts
1. 18      
j:[onge] d:[dochter] van Apel, ghetuijgen Cornelis Oilbrantß, vader der
2. 25      
Bruijdegoms, Jaquemijntje Osewol, bruijtsmoeder
3. 2 meij
      On April the 17th April 1666
Elias Oilbrantß, y.[oung] m[an]: from Nieuwerhaven
      living there, with Magdalena Soetaerts
1. 18      
y:[oung] d:[aughter] from Apel, witnesses Cornelis Oilbrantß, father of
2. 25      
the Groom, Jaquemijntje Osewol, mother of the bride
3. 2 meij
The Hollebrand(t) / Hollebrands Emigrants.
   A lot of people from Sealand
   (the Netherlands) emigrated
   to the USA.
   It started about 1840.
   There was a epidemy (illness)
   in the potatoplants at that
   The emigration ended in 1920.
   32,000 people were emigrated
   than from Sealand. Most of
   them arrived in Ellis Island
   New York.
   In almost every town in
   Sealand lived somebody who
  sooled tickets to America.
The first what the millions emigrants sawed out Europe of America was it freedom picture, but at the same time doomed thus the impressive bldg. of Elllis Island on. There they are subject to a thorough study into their physical and mental health and capacities. The 2e class passengers were already checked on the ship.
Elias Hollebrands x Lourina Louisa van Geelkerken
date; 1873 - 1874 to Pella Iowa, North America
Abraham Hollebrand(t) x Magdalena Guignot
children; Izaak Servaas and Pieter Abraham
date; 28 may 1890 to North America
Abraham Hollebrand x Jacomina Maria du Rie
children; Isaac and Peter
date; 11 april 1914 from st.Kruis to Marion, NY.
Jacob Hollebrand x Maria Dina Louis
children; Maria, Catharina, Pieter Philippus
date; 30 may 1890 (from Oostburg) to North America
Jozina Hollebrand x Jacob de Koninck
date; 21 mei 1864 to North America
Maria Susanna Hollebrand x David de Meij
Elias Hollebrands x Lourina Louisa van Geelkerken

Elias Hollebrands, son of Mattheus
Hollebrands and Neeltje van Da(a)le,
married with Lourina Louisa
van Geelkerken (place?).
Here a message in a dutch paper when
Elias died in the USA.
1. Neeltje, born 22 febr. 1873.   Died 22 febr 1873 at Middelburg? (the Netherlands)
Elias and Lourina emigrated in 1873 to North - America.
2. Cornelia Magdalena, born 26 jan 1874.(in the USA)
Married 9 aug 1900 with Gerhardus Bernardus Kolenbrander.
Children; Dirk John (+), Lourina Louisa, Dirk John,
Henry William, Anna Angeline, William Bernard, James John,
Berdina Magdalena, Janet Sarah.
Died april 20 1958.
3. Mattheus, geboren 1 febr 1875.   Died 6 aug 1875.
4. Anthonie Johannes, 26 jan 1876.   Died 29 sept 1876.
5. Jacobus Johannes 11 maart 1877.  
Married with Cornelia Verplaije.
Children; Lourina L., Paulina B., Edwin Earl.   Died 3 maart 1956.
6. Johanna, 24 dec 1878.   Died 21 nov 1948.
7. Mattheus Johannes, 2 dec 1879.   Died 14 dec 1891.
8. Adriana Rachel, 12 jan 1881.  
Died 30 juni 1881.
9. Sara Louisa, born 18 maart 1882.   Died 30 sept 1951.
  Married Andries Wijzenbeek (Andrew Wyzenbeek).   Children; Esther, Ruth, Blanche, Laura, Andrew.
10. Anthonie Johannes, born 22 sept 1883.  
Died 13 may 1957.
11. Johan Izak, born 8 juli 1885.   Married with ..................................
Children; Paul, Virgil.   Died 25 okt 1918.
12. Elias, born 18 aug 1888.   Married 8 july 1913 at Pella, Iowa with Arna le Cocq.
Children; Elvon, Lucille, Carrol.
Grandchildren through Elvon and
his wife Cora; Mary (+ 1980's), Steve and Diane.
Mary and .... Eisenberg; Ezra
Steve and Marva Hollebrands; Michael Brian
Diane and .... Conley; Buddy
Grandchildren through Carrol and his wife Phillis Reyman;
Curtus, Kristin, Amy, Matthew.
Elias died 19 nov 1900. Lourina Louisa van Geelkerken died 3 febr 1925.
Abraham Hollebrand(t) x Magdalena Guignot
They emigrated in 1890 to North - America with two children.
This picture should be almost 100 years old.
Scated left to right; Abraham Hollebrand(t), daughter Cora,
old lady F de Winde,
(mother of Magdalena),
daughter Margareth,
Isaak Hollebrand(t).
Standing; Magdalena, daughter Nelly, son Peter. This foto is take on the farm in Sodus, New York.
Melody Hollebrandt-Logist send me this unique picture.
Children from this marriage;
1. Isaac (Izaak Servaas), born 13 sept. 1887.(in the Netherlands)
Married to Mary ...........
Died May 1970 at Sodus Wayne NY USA.
2. Peter (Pieter Abraham), born 3 oct 1889.(in the Netherlands)
Married to Mary Tack.
Children; Margareth, Abram, Dorothy, Leon.
Died Nov 1967 at Sodus Wayne NY USA.
Children born in the USA;
3. Margareth.
Married to Francis .......
4. Nellie.
5. Cora.
Maria Susanna Hollebrand (Albrant) x David de Meij
Maria Susanna Hollebrand, born march 22 maar, 1856 at Eede. Died january 6, 1920 at Rochester NY USA.
Name in the USA also; ALBRANT.
Possibly there are also ather families in the USA with the name Albrant wich name was originally Hollebrand.
Who have some information about that?
Maria Susanna married on november 25, 1876 at Waterlandkerkje with David De Meij, born september 27, 1853 at Retranchement, died 9 augustus 1909 at Perinton USA ( this cityname is not for sure ).
His parents: Pieter De Meij and Jozina Lere.
Her parents: Philippus Hollebrand and Catharina Boone.
Maria Susanna H. and David De Meij did get 9 children (is not for sure ). At least 2 children dead young.
This info I did get from Coby Lere-Boone at Grijpskerke.
Do you have any information? Do you have questions?
For suggestions; Coen Niesten. c.niesten@tiscali.nl
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Sara Louisia Hollebrands.
By Edwin Hamelink.
Arie Leijnsen and Adriaantje Stouthamer get a letter in february 1863 from Sara Louisa Hollebrands. Sara Louisa Hollebrands was born at february 8, 1848 at Middelburg as a daughter of Mattheus Hollebrands and Neeltje van Dale. Mattheus Hollebrands was born at Terneuzen at november 7, 1817. He was a sun of Jacobus Hollebrands and Sara Leijnsen (a sister of Arie Leijnsen). Arie Leijnsen was an uncle of Mattheus Hollebrands, and an old uncle of Sara Louisa Hollebrands.
On january 1862 the family doctor established that Sara Louisa Hollebrands had tuberculosis. On february 24, 1863 she wrote a letter from Middelburg about her confersion to her old uncle Arie Leijnsen and Adriaantje Stouthamer, at that time she was havendly uder tuberculose. She did seven hours to write this letter. On january 24, 1864 Sara Louisa died at Middelburg (almost 16 years old).
On request of his to America emigrated suns and from Zeeuwse countryman, father Mattheus Hollebrands writed on Sara's last years of life, her confersion and her death. This handwriting (included a copy of the letter) are still in receipt of the in USA living family Kolenbrander (decendents of Sara's relations). This handwriting is again published under the title: "De bekering en het sterven van Sara Louisa Hollebrands, door M. Hollebrands", With introduction and comment by dr. J.H. van de Bank (1997).,
Hi Mr. Niesten,
my name ist Udo Höllebrand form Germany.
I find the searching request of Kamilla Anna Höllebrand at your page
That´s my aunt. I phone with her, an I promised, that I write an email to you.
Do you have any contact Information from Julian Walker? Do you know his
backround for searching? I cound not find the searching Date from him.
Udo Höllebrand
P.S. In the next weeks I collect (together with my Father Josef Franz
Höllebrand) the familytree from my Höllebrand-Family
Subject: Hollebrand family history Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006
my name is Allison and I am looking for information for my family tree that contains
Diane Ruth Hollebrand, born May 8, 1949 in Pella, Iowa. Might you be able to help me?
Thanks, Allison
subject: re:Family tree sent: saturday, March 11, 2006
I think you come from this family;
Elias, born 18 aug 1888. Married 8 july 1913 at Pella, Iowa with Arna le Cocq.
Children; Elvon, Lucille, Carrol.
Grandchildren through Elvon and his wife Cora; Mary (+ 1980's), Steve and Diane.
Mary and .... Eisenberg; Ezra
Steve and Marva Hollebrands; Michael Brian
Diane and .... Conley; Buddy
gr., Coen Niesten
subject: Family tree sent: Friday, March 10, 2006
Hello my name is Michael Brian Hollebrands,
I am trying to find more information about my family name and our crest.
There is a Janz name in there aswell. I was born to Steve & Marva Hollebrands 2-15-1967
in the USA. Thank You for all of your help.
verzonden: 3 dec 2005
Geachte heer ,
Op zoek naar meerdere gegevens over de familie Hollebrand kwam ik bij uw gegevens terecht,
vandaar .....
A few weeks ago I recieved a picture of een grafzerk in Williamson at Sodus in North
America, waarop de naam prijkte van ene Francis van de Plassche . His date of birth and
overlijdensdatum stonden er groots op . Toch kon ik hem niet direkt thuis brengen , omdat er
gesjoemeld was met zijn geboortedatum en naam ( Francois ).
Door dat jaar te veranderen van 1801 naar 1805 kon ik hem wel thuisbrengen . He was married
with Maria du Mez and emigrated with anumber of children around 1847 to the USA .
His daughter Katharina van de Plassche , born on March 6 1837 at Cadzand married with
ABRAHAM HOLLEBRAND and from this mariage a sun James Hollebrand , probably born
in 1869 and Maria Hollebrand .
Verder weet ik dat haar zuster Maria Johanna , trouwde met Peter Jansen en zij trokken naar
Sodus .....
Kunt u mij verder helpen met de achtergronden van deze Abraham Hollebrand ?
Deze Francois van de Plassche is waarschijnlijk de enige van de Plassche , die zijn naam
verder op deze manier mocht dragen , want andere geemigreerden heten toen en nu Plassche ,
zonder van en de , of Plassey .
Gaarne hoor ik nader van u .
My name is Julian Walker. I reside in Johannesburg South Africa.
I hope that you may be of assistance. I am trying to trace the whereabouts of
Kamilla Anna Hollebrand born 5 August 1939.
I assume that she did (or even still does) reside in South Africa but I can
find no trace of her whereabouts or of anyone else in this country with that surname.
If you have any information on her whereabouts or can point me in any other
direction I would be extremly gratefull.
Julian Walker
Höllebrand in Germany and Austria
In Germany and Austria are families with the name Höllebrand.
Also there should be a little place in Germany with the name Höllebrand.
There is not find any connection between these families
and the Hollebrand families in Holland.
Here beneath you see a wine libel from Germany with the name Höllenbrand on it.
Hölle means hell and brand means fire. (Fire from Hell?) Go to Höllebrand
Hollebrand in England
In England is also a familie with the name Hollebrand.
They come originally from Austria. (Vienna) Just before
1903 CHARLES HÖLLEBRAND and his wife MARIA and two?
children went to England. His sun Albert is born in
MICHAEL HOLLEBRAND, sun of Reginald Hollebrand, and
grandsun of Albert, has recently started to do the familytree.
See also Hollebrand family in England
Thanks to
A lot of information and pictures I have got from the following people;
In Holland;
dhr. Jan Hollebrand(+),
mevr. Corrie Hollebrand-Kuijs(+),
Frieda v/d Werff-Hollebrand,
mevr. Steinbach-Hollebrand,
dhr. Ko Hollebrands,
dhr. A. Buma,
Willem Hollebrands,
dhr P.G.Hollebrands,
Nel Hollebrands-Dijkshoorn.
In the USA;
mrs. Isaac Hollebrand (Sara Verburg),
mr. Peter Hollebrand (Penfield NY),
mr. and mrs. Abram + Melody Hollebrandt,
Dorothy E. Hollebrandt,
Edwin Hollebrands,
Rev. John Hollebrand-Meyer,
Ezra Eisenberg,
Carrol Hollebrands.
Michael Hollebrand.
Thanks to all and who I did not mention.
There comes a book with the history of the Hollebrand family.
Do you have any information? Do you have questions?
For suggestions; Coen Niesten. c.niesten@tiscali.nl
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